50 Subliminal Guru Albums With Affirmations To Change Your Life

Last Updated on February 14, 2023 by Christin

Using affirmations on a daily basis is a great way to change your life. They can help you change your entire way of thinking and behaving if you use them often enough. But what you may not know is that subliminal affirmations can turbocharge the powers of affirmations, and help you achieve your goals faster than ever before.

Subliminal affirmations are positive statements that are designed to bypass your conscious mind and go straight to your subconscious. This allows them to bypass any negative self-talk or doubts that might be holding you back, and plant the seeds of success directly into your mind.

Subliminal Affirmations At Subliminal Guru

Subliminal Guru has over 350 subliminal affirmation albums that you can use to improve every area of your life.ย  There’s not much you can’t change with the help of Subliminal Guru. Whether you want to improve something with your health, body, mental skills, emotions, business, relationships, or life, or if you want to overcome an illness, get over a phobia, overcome an addiction, or sleep better, you will find a subliminal affirmation album that fits your needs.

Each album contains a mix of positive subliminal affirmations that are spoken in a soothing voice. These affirmations are embedded into relaxing background music or sounds.

If you listen hard enough, you can hear the subliminal affirmations in the background, but if you focus on the music (or whichever sound you choose) the affirmations get tuned out by your conscious mind, yet are still available to your subconscious mind, which picks up on things your conscious mind doesn’t pick up on. Hence why they are called subliminal affirmations.

In short, the affirmations bypass your conscious mind and go straight to your subconscious, where they can start working their magic.

50 Subliminal Affirmation Albums On Subliminal Guru That Everyone Can Benefit From

50 Subliminal Guru Albums

1. Attract More Money

This Subliminal Guru album is all about rewiring your mind to think about money differently. You will shift your point of view to attract and manifest wealth and feel differently about money and your relationship with it.

2. Increase Your Good Luck

Listening to the subliminal affirmations in this album will lead to a life of feeling blessed, grateful, and fortunate.

You will feel as if good fortune was constantly surrounding you and that everything you touch brings you more luck.

You will be inspired by your own good luck charm and the knowledge that positivity breeds more positivity.

These affirmations will have a profound impact on your life, leading you to live each day with excitement and joy.

3. Boost Your Self-Esteem

When you use the subliminal affirmations like the ones is this album, you’ll start to feel better about yourself overall. You’ll believe in your own value more and feel that you have a lot to offer the world.

Your self-confidence will soar and you’ll find it easier to think and act in positive ways.

Each day will feel more passionate and purposeful, as you savor being exactly who you are.

As a result, using these affirmations will impact your life in a very positive way.

4. Learn Anything Quickly And Easily

These subliminal affirmations will help you feel like there is no limit to what you can learn or how much knowledge you can absorb.

You’ll understand that when you commit to learning new things and expanding your understanding of the world around you, your mind becomes open and receptive to new information.

You’ll realize that you are capable of learning anything you set your mind to, and you confidently meet every challenge that comes your way.

In short, by using these affirmations, you open yourself up to a lifetime of learning and self-improvement.

5. Get The Multi-Millionaire Mindset

When you use positive affirmations about money, you open yourself up to limitless possibilities. You start to believe that making millions is easy and that you have the power to succeed.

You attract wealth with ease and confidence, and you are generous and able to share your good fortune.

You know what you want and how to get it.

Your fortune grows more impressive every day, and being well-off feels absolutely amazing.

Using these affirmations will change your life for the better. You will feel more confident and capable, and you will start to see opportunities for financial success everywhere you look.

6. Enjoy Optimum Health

Whether you want to boost your immune system or see yourself as a healthy individual, this Subliminal Guru affirmation will help you do that.

If you feel like your health is not up to par, these affirmations will help you focus on your desire to feel healthier and be healthier.

7. Achieve Financial Freedom

Visualizing yourself already in possession of your financial goals is a powerful way of making them reality. The mind is a very powerful tool, and what we focus on expands.

When you focus on abundance and prosperity, you open yourself up to new opportunities and possibilities. The Universe responds to your energy and vibration, so it’s important to keep your energy high.

By using these subliminal affirmations, you can retrain your subconscious mind to think more positively about money. This will impact your life in a number of ways. You’ll start making better financial decisions, you’ll be more likely to take action towards your goals, and you’ll attract more wealth into your life.

8. Attract An Abundant Lifestyle

Using these affirmations can help to change your mindset and open you up to new possibilities. If you repeatedly tell yourself that you are worthy of abundance, eventually you will start to believe it. And once you believe it, you will start to see evidence of it in your life.

If you tell yourself these affirmations, such as ‘everything will come to me in due course’, you will also find yourself relaxing more and enjoying the present moment.

Subliminal Albums

12 Albums You Can Find On Subliminal Guru

9. Boost Your Charisma

As a whole, these subliminal affirmations will make you feel more confident and charismatic.

People will find you irresistible, charming, and compelling.

You will be easy to get to know and fun to be with.

Your charisma will be magnetic, drawing people to you with ease.

And you will find it easy to get along with others and build strong relationships.

10. Think Yourself Rich

These positive affirmations can have a powerful impact on your life, shaping your thoughts and beliefs about what is possible.

When you repeat affirmations like “I am on the path to abundance,” or “I attract richness to me,” you begin to open yourself up to new opportunities.

Your mind becomes focused on obtaining wealth, and you start to believe that being rich is within your grasp.

As you continue to repeat these affirmations, they will become part of your belief system, and you will find yourself making choices that lead to more money and prosperity.

11. Stop Procrastinating

These affirmations will help to increase your motivation levels and encourage you to take action in order to achieve your goals.

By repeated affirmation, you will program your mind to believe that you are a highly effective and productive person. This will lead to increased confidence and a greater belief in your ability to achieve success.

In turn, this will result in more positive actions and increased motivation to reach your goals.

As you start to see results, your affirmation will become even more powerful, creating a self-reinforcing cycle of success.

12. Rocket Your Self-Confidence

By using these subliminal affirmations, you can change the way you think about yourself and boost your self-confidence.

This subliminal affirmation album includes affirmations such as โ€œI believe in myselfโ€ or โ€œI know I can meet any challenge,โ€ which can help you to train your mind to think more positively about yourself.

As a result, you will find it easier to take risks, speak your mind, and stay positive in the face of adversity.

13. Increase Self Discipline

When you repeat the affirmations in this subliminal album to yourself, you’ll start to believe that you really are in control of your life.

You’ll feel more committed to your goals and more disciplined in your actions.

You’ll find it easier to stick to your goals and work hard to get results.

And as you continue to repeat these affirmations, you’ll become even more determined and focused, with strong willpower and unshakable resolve.

Before long, self-discipline will become second nature to you, and you’ll be putting your best efforts into everything you do.

14. Master The Law Of Attraction

These simple affirmations can help to shift your mindset, making you feel more confident and capable of achieving your goals.

Repeating affirmations in the subliminal album like “I attract everything I want toward me” or “I am free to create the life that I want” can help to increase your motivation and self-belief.

And as you start to believe in yourself more, you’ll find that doors start to open up and opportunities begin to present themselves.

15. Lose Weight Fast

These affirmations help to reframe your thinking around weight loss, and make it feel achievable and attainable.

With regular exercise and balanced, nourishing meals, you will start to see results. And as you begin to slim down, you’ll fill with confidence and pride.

16. Get A Flat Stomach

When you say these affirmations to yourself, you’ll start to believe in them. And when you believe in them, you’ll begin to see results.

Whether it’s a flatter stomach, more defined abs, or simply feeling slim and attractive, these affirmations will help you achieve your goals.

See This Album And All The Others On Subliminal Guru Here.

17. Get A Photographic Memory

When you use affirmations like the ones from Subliminal Guru’s subliminal affirmation album, you’re training your brain to see yourself as someone with a great memory.

This positive self-talk helps to increase your confidence and improve your focus.

As a result, you’ll find it easier to remember things, both big and small. Whether you’re trying to remember a list of groceries or an important meeting, these affirmations can help you to access the information you need, when you need it.

In addition, by improving your memory, you can help to keep your mind sharp and prevent age-related memory loss.

18. Attract Your Dream Home

These affirmations from Subliminal Guru are designed to help you attract your dream home. By repeating them regularly, you will begin to change your mindset and open yourself up to the possibility of attracting the home of your dreams.

The more you focus on what you want, the more likely you are to achieve it.

The law of attraction is a powerful tool, and these affirmations will help you harness its power. Remember, you deserve to have the home of your dreams, and with focus and determination, you can make it happen.

19. Attitude Of Gratitude

If you want to adopt more gratitude into your life, these subliminal affirmations are perfect. They will help you feel grateful for the opportunities in your life, your health, your friends, you family, your mind, and just being alive in general.

20. Find Your Soulmate

We’ve talked about affirmations to find your soulmate.

If you would like some subliminal affirmations to listen to, I highly recommend Subliminal Guru’s affirmations.

They will help you to stay positive and believe that you will find your soulmate.

They will also keep your energy focused on attracting the right partner into your life for a healthy, loving relationship.

21. Feel Sexy And Alluring

When you repeat these positive affirmations to yourself, you’ll likely feel more confident and attractive. Your self-esteem will increase, and you’ll find it easier to approach and flirt with others.

As a result, your social life is likely to improve, as you’ll be more outgoing and intriguing.

In addition, these affirmations can help to increase your sexual arousal and desirability. You may find yourself feeling more confident in your body and appearance, and as a result, you’ll be more alluring to potential partners.

Ultimately, these affirmations can help you to feel more sexually empowered and fulfilled.

22. Find Your Life Purpose

Using these subliminal affirmations on a daily basis will help to change your mindset and improve the overall quality of your life.

When you wake up each morning and say these affirmations to yourself, you’ll feel more confident and capable of taking on whatever the day may bring.

You’ll also feel more purposeful and motivated to live each day to the fullest.

These affirmations will help you to see the potential in every situation and to stay true to yourself no matter what.

23. Enjoy Total Focus

These subliminal affirmations will help you to focus on getting things done. You will find that you are able to complete tasks with ease and that you are able to concentrate on achieving your goals.

You will find that you are automatically able to focus and that you finish tasks easily and on time.

You will be determined to succeed and you will resist distractions with ease.

Your concentration levels will be high and you will be able to achieve whatever you focus on.

You have amazing powers of concentration and staying focused is easy for you. Enjoy total focus.

24. Get A Razor-Sharp Intellect

When you use affirmations like the ones in this subliminal album, you are essentially telling yourself that you are intelligent and capable of absorbing new information quickly.

This can help to boost your confidence and self-belief, two essential ingredients for success in any area of life.

Furthermore, by regularly affirming that your intellect is improving, you are setting the intention for continual growth and development. In time, you may find that you really are able to think more quickly and reason more effectively than ever before. So if you want to unleash your full potential, start using these powerful affirmations today.

See This Album And All The Others On Subliminal Guru Here.

25. Get Bigger Muscles

Using the affirmations in this subliminal album will help you to feel more confident, proud, and motivated to achieve bigger muscles.

You’ll find that working out is more enjoyable and that your muscles respond well to the exercise.

Your muscular look will improve, and you’ll love the way you look and feel.

You’ll also find that you have more energy and stamina and that you’re able to stay fit and healthy.

26. Beat The Aging Process

The fountain of youth is within you. How you take care of yourself and how you view yourself both play a big part in how fast you age.

If you want to slow down the aging process more than anyone else you know, these subliminal affirmations will help you think and behave in a way that can do so.

27. Live Longer

Using affirmations like the ones in Subliminal Guru’s album can have a profound impact on your life.

For instance, when you remind yourself that you are young and vibrant, it changes the way you see yourself and the world around you. You start to believe that anything is possible, and you become more open to new experiences.

Similarly, when you tell yourself that you are in excellent health, it sets the stage for better habits and improved well-being.

And when you affirm that you are full of life, it gives you the energy and enthusiasm to live each day to the fullest.

On a deeper level, these affirmations help to program your subconscious mind for success in all areas of your life. So, if you want to feel better, look better, and be better, start using positive affirmations today!

28. Eat Healthy Foods

Using these affirmations every day, you’ll feel the difference in your energy levels, your overall health, and your ability to resist disease. You’ll also enjoy the satisfaction of knowing that you’re doing everything you can to nourish your body and keep it functioning at its best.

These affirmations will help you to develop healthy eating habits that will last a lifetime. For instance, by affirming that you only choose nutritious foods, that your meals are nutritionally balanced, and that eating healthy is natural for you, you’re setting yourself up for success.

29. Boost Your Immune System

When you repeat affirmations like these, you’re training your mind to focus on wellness and good health. You’re building up a storehouse of positive thoughts and beliefs about your body and its ability to fight off illness.

As a result, you’ll find yourself feeling more confident and capable of staying well.

Your immune system will get a boost, and you’ll start to notice that you catch colds less often and recover from them more quickly.

30. Stop Comfort Eating

Listening to these subliminal affirmations on a daily basis can help to retrain your brain and change your relationship with food.

For example, if you often eat when you’re not hungry or turn to junk food when you’re feeling stressed, affirming that you are in control of what you eat can help you break those unhealthy habits.

Similarly, saying that you only eat healthy foods can help to ease your transition into a healthier diet.

Ultimately, using these affirmations can help you to develop a healthier mindset and create lasting changes in your eating habits.

31. Feel Motivated To Exercise

Using these affirmations will change your outlook on exercise.

It will become easy for you to find time to exercise, and you will feel great afterward.

You will feel better about exercise and even look forward to it because you will have a list of benefits embedded into your mind from these subliminal affirmations from Subliminal Guru.

32. Think Yourself Thin

When you affirm that slimming down is possible and easy for you, your brainpower will work for you instead of against you. You’ll see a thinner version of yourself taking shape, and your body will respond to your positive thinking by shedding excess weight.

Feeling thinner every day will fill you with confidence, and avoiding foods that make you gain weight will become second nature.

Soon, the thinner you will take over and become your new normal. Loving your new body is the icing on the cake!

33. Improve Your Posture

Consistently affirming that good posture is easy to achieve will impact your life in several ways. You will start to stand and sit up correctly more often, and you will find that your posture improves every day as a result.

Using these affirmations will help you to feel confident, graceful, and proud.

34. Enjoy Clear Skin

These affirmations are not just about looking good – although that’s certainly a nice bonus. It’s about feeling good, too.

When you love your complexion and respect your skin, it shows. You carry yourself with confidence and radiate positive energy. People are drawn to you because they can see how amazing you feel – and that’s the best way to enjoy beautifully clear skin.

See This Album And All The Others On Subliminal Guru Here.

35. Look Younger

Using these subliminal affirmations to focus on looking young will bring many benefits to your life.

You’ll feel more confident and attractive, people will be drawn to your youthful energy, and you’ll start thinking and acting like a younger person.

As a result, you’ll find yourself living a fuller, more vibrant life.

So go ahead and say these affirmations out loud each day and let the youthful power of affirmative thinking take over!

36. Deep Relaxation

By using affirmations like the ones used in Subliminal Guru’s affirmation album, we can train our minds to focus on relaxation and let go of the negativity that causes us stress.

Over time, we’ll find it easier and easier to relax, both mentally and physically.

And as we do, we’ll notice a positive impact on our overall well-being. We’ll feel calmer and more content, able to approach life’s challenges with a positive attitude.

37. Dissolve Worry And Stress

When you use these subliminal affirmations, you will feel calmer and more secure. You will be able to take the stress and worry in stride, knowing that you can handle whatever comes your way.

You will feel more focused and composed, able to stay calm in the face of any problem.

And you will be free from worry, able to enjoy a life free from stress and anxiety.

These affirmations can help you to create the life you want: a life that is calm, relaxed, and free from worry.

38. Stop Nightmares

When you incorporate these subliminal affirmations into your nightly routine, you will begin to notice a difference in the quality of your sleep.

You will find yourself sleeping soundly through the night and waking up feeling content and refreshed.

The positive, inspiring dreams you have will begin to have an impact on your life, making you feel happier and more peaceful.

You will also find yourself in control of your dreams, and immune to bad dreams. As a result, you will enjoy a happy and peaceful sleep that is always restful. So go ahead and give these affirmations a try – you’ll be glad you did!

39. Deeper Meditation

There are many benefits to meditation and using these affirmations can help you focus on achieving those benefits.

For instance, when you affirm that meditation is easy for you, it can help to reduce the mental barriers that prevent you from starting or sticking with a meditation practice.

If you find yourself feeling stressed, the affirmation that meditation helps you relax and let go of stress can be a valuable reminder of why it’s important to take a break and meditate.

And when life feels overwhelming, the affirmation that meditation enriches your life can help you remember that taking a few minutes to meditate can make a big difference.

Ultimately, using Subliminal Guru’s subliminal affirmations can help you feel more positive about meditation and reap the many rewards that it has to offer.

40. Stay Calm And Collected

These affirmations from Subliminal Guru will remind you that no matter what happens, you can always choose to stay calm. And when you make the choice to stay calm, everything else falls into place.

You become more efficient, more clear-headed, and better able to deal with stress.

Not only that, but other people will admire your calm approach and want to emulate it.

41. Learn Anything Quickly And Easily

Using affirmations like the ones in Subliminal Guru’s Learn Anything Quickly And Easily album can help you to feel more confident in your ability to learn.

They can remind you that you are capable of growing your knowledge and skills, and that learning can be enjoyable.

Additionally, they can help to increase your focus and motivation, making it easier for you to achieve your learning goals.

42. Be Super Creative

When you use these subliminal affirmations, you’ll feel more creative, more inspired, and more confident. And as you start to feel better about yourself, you’ll find that your life will begin to improve as well.

You’ll be more successful at work, you’ll attract better relationships, and you’ll generally be happier and more fulfilled.

43. Boost Your IQ

Using these subliminal affirmations will help you to feel more confident in your abilities and give you the motivation to tackle difficult problems.

You’ll start to believe that you can easily boost your IQ, and this will become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

As you increase your IQ, you’ll find that complex ideas are easy for you to deal with and that people admire your intelligence.

This will give you an incredible sense of satisfaction and pride.

44. Think Outside The Box

Using subliminal affirmations like these will make you feel more confident in your thinking ability. You’ll become more aware of your own originality and see that your thinking has value.

Your creativity will be affirmed, and you’ll be better able to tackle difficult problems.

45. Boost Your Brain Power

When you remind yourself of affirmations in this Subliminal Guru album, such as your brain power is limitless, you open yourself up to new possibilities.

You may find that you’re able to retain more information and solve problems more quickly.

You may also feel more confident in your ability to learn new things.

And as you continue to tell yourself that boosting your brain power is easy, you’ll find it becomes easier and easier to tap into your hidden potential.

46. Be More Organized

Staying organized is a key part of being successful in any area of life.

By using affirmations such as “I live a clutter-free life” and “My workspace is clean and tidy,” you can help to train your mind to focus on organization and efficiency.

This, in turn, will lead to improved productivity and time management skills.

Moreover, by setting goals and keeping them firmly in sight, you can ensure that you are always moving forward toward your desired outcome. Ultimately, using affirmations to stay organized can have a profound impact on your life, making it easier to achieve your goals and leading to a more fulfilling existence.

47. Stop Feeling Insecure

Using subliminal affirmations like these can help to improve your self-esteem and confidence. When you repeat positive statements about yourself, you are training your brain to believe these things.

Over time, this can lead to an increase in your overall self-esteem. As your self-esteem improves, you may find yourself taking more risks and pursuing your goals with greater confidence.

You may also find it easier to take criticism without letting it get to you.

In short, using these affirmations can help you to become the best version of yourself.

48. Stop Worrying What People Think

When you start to use affirmations like the ones in this album, you begin to change the way you think about yourself.

You become more confident in who you are and what you’re capable of.

You no longer hesitate to make decisions because you trust yourself to know what’s best for you.

You start living your life on your own terms, doing what makes you happy and pursuing your dreams.

In short, again, using these affirmations helps you become the best version of yourself.

49. Conquer Jealousy

If you’re in a relationship, it’s important to keep your thoughts and emotions in check.ย After all, your relationship is a partnership between two people, not just one.

By using positive subliminal affirmations like the one in this album, you can remind yourself of how you want to feel in your relationship and work towards making that happen.

For example, if you trust your partner completely, you’re more likely to be open and honest with them. This, in turn, can help you deal with issues calmly and openly.

50. Wake Up With Energy

Each day is a new opportunity to achieve something great.

You have the power within you to make each day count.

These subliminal affirmations will help to increase your energy levels so that you can approach each day with enthusiasm and vigor.

They will remind you of your boundless potential and inner strength. Allow these affirmations to inspire you to live your best life every single day.

Note: This Wake Up With Energy album is one that you can get for free here.

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