Sometimes life looks really bad. Everything seems to be going wrong, everyone sucks, and we can’t see any good in life anymore. The news and social media keep throwing bad things in our faces, and we start to see the bad things in our own lives as well. But there is always some good in life, even if it’s just a glimmer. These affirmations will help you see the good in life more.
1. Good Things Happen To Me Every Day
This affirmation is important because it reminds us that even on our worst days when nothing works out as planned and everything seems to look bad, there are still good things happening to us. They may not be as visible as other things, which is why it’s important to affirm to ourselves that good things do happen every day.
For example, you might get a text from a friend just when you need it, or you might find a perfect parking spot just when you’re running late.
The more you remind yourself that good things happen, the more you will be able to spot them when you see them.
2. I Look For The Good Constantly
If you are not looking for the good, then you may miss it!
It’s easy to dwell on the negative and let it take over our lives, but if we make a conscious effort to look for the good, we’ll start seeing more of it.
Affirmations like “I Look For The Good Constantly” help us to change our perspective and focus on what’s good, instead of what’s bad.
So allow yourself to look for the good and acknowledge it every time you find it.
- Notice that good deed that someone does.
- Notice that nice thing that someone says to someone else.
- Appreciate the laughing friends or family that you see.
- Celebrate small wins that you experience throughout the day.
You will be surprised at how many good things actually come into your day once you start to look for the good constantly.
3. I Have A Great Sense Of Humor
Laughter can boost your mood and help you see the good in life. It is one of the best ways to release tension and stress and feel better about life.
Even when things are really bad, we can always find something to laugh about. And that’s what this affirmation is all about.
It’s a reminder that we have a great sense of humor, and that we can use it to see the good in life, no matter what’s happening.
4. I See The Good In All Situations
Don’t close yourself off from looking for the good in negative situations. If you look hard enough, you can always find some good in every situation, no matter how bad it might seem.
This affirmation is a reminder to do just that. It’s easy to get caught up in the negative and forget about the good, but if we consciously look for it in all situations, we’ll start seeing more of it.
5. I Say More Good Things Than I Do Bad Things
It’s easy to get caught up in complaining and saying negative things, but if we make a conscious effort to say more positive things, we’ll start seeing more of the good in life.
Tip: Use the 1:5 rule. For every negative thing you say, say five more positive things.
Try it. As you start to talk more positively, you will find more positive things to talk about. It’s a great way to amp up your ability to find and focus on the good.
6. I Appreciate The Good In Others
If you spend a lot of time on social media, then you likely sometimes think that other people suck. All the trolls and bad people seem to be sharing their opinions and hate and anger… and it can be easy to feel bad about life when this happens.
But there are a lot of good people out there!
This affirmation is important because it helps us to see the good in others, even when they might not be showing it themselves. And it helps us see the good people more clearly.
It’s easy to get caught up in judging others and seeing only their flaws, but if we take the time to appreciate the good in them, we’ll start seeing more of it.
7. I Think Good Thoughts About Others
How often do you think bad thoughts about other people?
When we focus on the positive aspects of others, we are more likely to see the good in them and in life in general.
On the other hand, if we allow ourselves to dwell on the negative, we will find that all we see is darkness and despair.
We may not be able to control everything that happens to us, but we can control our thoughts. And when we do, we just may find that the world looks a little brighter as a result.
8. I Am Grateful For So Many Things
Gratitude helps us to see the good in life, even when times are tough.
It’s easy to take the good things in life for granted, but when we focus on what we’re grateful for, we start seeing just how much good there is.
This affirmation is a reminder to be grateful for all the good things in our lives, no matter how small they may seem.
9. Good Things Come Easily To Me
This affirmation is important because it helps us to believe that good things can and do happen to us.
When we focus on the negative, it’s easy to believe that all the good is happening to other people and that we’re just stuck in a rut.
But when we shift our focus and start believing that good things can happen to us, we’ll start seeing more of them.
10. I Acknowledge That Everyone Has Their Own Path In Life
We all have different experiences and lessons to learn, and it’s not our place to judge others for the choices they make.
Accepting others for who they are and where they’re at in their life journey helps us to see the good in them, and in turn, helps us to see the good in life.
11. I Add Goodness To This World Every Day
You may not be able to find a lot of goodness in others, but you can always find it in yourself.
This affirmation is a reminder that each and every one of us has the ability to add goodness to this world, no matter how small our actions may seem.
When we focus on being good, we start seeing more of the good in life.