The Best 20 Daily Affirmations For Self-Love You Can Say

Last Updated on February 14, 2023 by Christin

Self-love is important. It can help you be kinder to yourself when struggles and obstacles come up and give you confidence and courage to do what makes you happiest in life. The truth is that nobody can love you the way that you can love yourself and nobody can make you feel as good as you can make yourself feel. Self-love catapults you into more happiness, better relationships, and more success.

The Top 20 Affirmations To Use Daily For Self-Love

When you love yourself unconditionally, it becomes easier to accept yourself for who you are. It also becomes easier to set boundaries and make decisions that are in your best interest.

Ultimately, self-love is the foundation of a happy and fulfilling life.ย Use the following affirmations for self-love daily!

1. I Am Worthy Of Self-Love And Respect

Too often, we are our own worst critics. We dwell on our flaws and shortcomings, beating ourselves up for not being good enough. This negative self-talk can become a self-fulfilling prophecy, leading us to believe that we are unworthy of love and respect.

However, it is important to remember that we are all human beings deserving of compassion and care. When we learn to treat ourselves with kindness and understanding, we open the door to a more fulfilling and satisfying life.

By affirming our worthiness, we acknowledge that we are deserving of self-love and respect.

2. I Love And Approve Of Myself

When you affirm to yourself that you love and approve of yourself, you begin to believe it on a deeper level. This then allows you to start making choices in your life that reflect your self-worth.

For example, you may start to say โ€œnoโ€ to things that donโ€™t serve you, or you may start to take better care of yourself physically. As you show yourself more love and approval, you will begin to attract people and experiences into your life that mirror those feelings.

When you have a strong foundation of self-love, you will be able to weather any storm that comes your way. So, start today by affirming to yourself that you love and approve of yourself, and watch as your life begins to change for the better.

3. I Forgive Myself For Past Mistakes

One of the most important things you can do for your self-love is to forgive yourself for your past mistakes. We all make them, after all.

What counts is how we learn and grow from our experiences.

When you forgive yourself, you are acknowledging that you made a mistake but that you have also learned from it. This shows you that you are capable of change and growth.

It also shows that you are willing to move on from the past and focus on the present.

Forgiving yourself is a way of saying that you deserve happiness and peace in your life. It is a way of boosting your self-love.

So if you want to love yourself more, start by forgiving yourself for your past mistakes.

4. I Am Capable Of Achieving Anything I Set My Mind To

If you want to give your self-love a boost, one of the best things you can do is affirm to yourself that you are capable of achieving anything you set your mind to. No matter what challenges or obstacles you may face, know that you have the strength and ability to overcome them.

This doesn’t mean that you will suddenly believe that the journey will always be easy, but it does mean that you will believe that you are capable of handling whatever comes your way.

When you remind yourself of this truth, it becomes easier to approach life with confidence and faith.

As you start to believe in yourself more, you’ll find that doors start to open up and opportunities present themselves.

5. I Deserve To Be Happy

Affirm to yourself that you deserve to be happy. That’s right, YOU deserve it! Not your partner, not your boss, not your friends or family – YOU!

Once you start believing that you deserve to be happy, it becomes easier to take care of yourself and do things that make you happy.

When you make your own happiness a priority, everything else falls into place. So believe in yourself and start affirming that you deserve to be happy – because you do!

6. I Deserve To Love And Be Loved

If you’re struggling to love yourself, one powerful thing you can do is affirm to yourself that you deserve to be loved. Why? Because affirming that you deserve love helps to counter the negative thoughts and beliefs (such as you are not deserving of love) that may be holding you back from self-love.

It’s a way of reframing your thinking and opening yourself up to the possibility of feeling worthy of love.

And when you start to believe that you deserve love, it becomes easier to give yourself the love and care that you need.

7. I Am Strong And Resilient

It can be easy to focus on our flaws and shortcomings, but it is important to remember that we are strong and resilient too. When we take the time to affirm these positive qualities to ourselves, it can help to boost our self-love.

It can be as simple as saying something like, “I am strong and I am resilient.” By repeating this affirmation to ourselves, we can help to program our minds for success.

When we make a habit of affirming our strength and resilience, it will become easier to believe in ourselves and our ability to achieve our goals.

8. I Am Enough

If you want to boost your self-love, it’s important to remind yourself that you are enough — just as you are.

It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that we need to be perfect in order to be worthy of love and respect. But the truth is, nobody is perfect, and nobody expects us to be. So why not give yourself a break and cut yourself some slack?

When you do, you’ll find it’s much easier to love and accept yourself, flaws and all. And as you learn to love yourself more, you’ll also find it easier to attract love and positive attention from others.

9. I Have Everything I Need To Be Happy

Happiness comes from within. It is not based on what you have or what you do. Rather, it comes from your outlook on life and your ability to find contentment in the things that you have.

If you want to boost your self-love, one of the best things that you can do is affirm to yourself that you have everything you need to be happy. This doesn’t mean that you should ignore your wants or needs. However, it does mean that you should focus on the things that make you happy and appreciate them.

When you take the time to appreciate what you have, it helps to increase your overall sense of happiness and contentment. In turn, this can help to boost your self-love.

10. I Choose Thoughts That Support My Self-Love

One of the most important things you can do for your self-love is to regularly affirm to yourself that you choose thoughts that support your self-love. When you catch yourself thinking negative or self-defeating thoughts, immediately switch to thoughts that make you feel good about yourself.

For example, instead of thinking “I’m such a loser,” tell yourself “I’m doing my best and I’m worth it.”

Fill your mind with loving, supportive thoughts, and soon they will become your default way of thinking.

Additionally, be sure to speak kindly to yourself out loud. Treating yourself with compassion and respect will help to boost your self-love. Choose thoughts that support your self-love, and then watch your self-love soar!

11. I Accept Myself Unconditionally

It’s easy to love yourself when everything is going well. But what about when you make a mistake? Or when you’re having a bad day?

According to self-love expert Joanna Felton, the key to unconditional self-love is affirming your worthiness, even on your worst days. “When you can look in the mirror and say, ‘I love you no matter what,’ that’s when you’ll truly start to believe it,” she says. “And when you believe it, that’s when your life will start to change for the better.”

Felton’s advice is based on the principle of self-acceptance, which is the foundation of self-love. By accepting yourself unconditionally, you create a space for growth and change. You also open yourself up to receiving love and support from others.

12. I Nurture My Body With Love

One of the most important things you can do for your self-love is to nurture your body with love. When you take care of your physical needs, it shows that you value yourself and your wellbeing.

This simple act can make a big difference in how you feel about yourself.

Itโ€™s not always easy to nurture your body with love, but itโ€™s worth it. When you make the choice to do so, it affirms your commitment to yourself. It says that you are worth taking care of. It says that you deserve to feel good in your own skin.

When you nurture your body with love, you are sending a powerful message to yourself that you are worthy of love and care. Therefore, if you want to boost your self-love, start by nurturing your body with love.

13. I Am Extremely Kind To Myself

One of the best ways to boost your self-love is to affirm to yourself that you are extremely kind to yourself.

When you remind yourself of all the things you do for yourself, it creates a sense of appreciation and respect.

It also helps to reframe your thinking about selfishness. Instead of seeing it as a negative quality, you start to see it as a positive force that allows you to take care of yourself. As a result, you begin to feel more worthy of love and care.

14. I Ask Myself What I Need To Feel Good And Then Take Action On The Answer

If you want to boost your self-love, one of the best things you can do is affirm that you will listen to your needs and take action accordingly.

It’s all too easy to get caught up in the hectic pace of daily life and forget to make time for ourselves. As a result, we can end up feeling drained, both physically and emotionally.

By making a commitment to check in with ourselves regularly and giving ourselves permission to do what we need to do to feel good, we can start to reverse this trend.

When we take care of our own needs, we send a powerful message to ourselves that we are worthy of love and respect. Over time, this can lead to a real increase in self-love and self-care.

If you’re ready to make a change, affirm to yourself today that you will ask yourself what you need and then listen to the answer. Your future self will thank you!

15. I Cherish Alone Time And Use It To Recharge My Batteries

We, humans, are social animals. We are wired to crave connection and companionship. That’s why it may seem counterintuitive to say that spending time alone can actually be good for us. But itโ€™s true!

When we take the time to be alone, we are able to recharge our batteries and reconnect with ourselves. This is especially important if we want to boost our self-love.

By using affirmations such as โ€œI cherish my alone timeโ€ or โ€œI use my alone time to recharge my batteries,โ€ we are sending a message to our subconscious minds that spending time alone is important and beneficial for us.

As a result, we are more likely to actually make use of our alone time in a productive way. And when we do, weโ€™ll reap the rewards in the form of increased self-love and self-care.

16. I Am Grateful For Everything I Have In My Life

When we take the time to appreciate the good in our lives, we also increase our feelings of self-worth and happiness.

Additionally, gratitude can help to shift our focus from what we lack to what we have. This perspective shift can be especially helpful when we are feeling down or discouraged.

By affirming our gratitude for all that we have, we also remind ourselves of our own value and worthiness. In doing so, we nurture our capacity for self-love and care.

17. I Am Open To Receiving Love And Support From Others

Itโ€™s important to remember that self-love is not a selfish act. Itโ€™s actually quite the opposite.

When we love ourselves, we are better able to show up for others and be there for them. We are also better able to set boundaries and say โ€œnoโ€ when needed. And, perhaps most importantly, we are better able to receive love and support from others.

If you don’t feel lovable, you won’t allow love in. And if you don’t allow love in, you won’t feel lovable.

So, if you want to boost your self-love, start by affirming to yourself that you are open to receiving love and support from others. This simple act will help you to feel more connected and supported, and it will also contribute to a more positive outlook on life.

18. I Surround Myself With People Who Love And Appreciate Me

If you want to boost your self-love, one of the best things you can do is to affirm to yourself that you surround yourself with people who love and appreciate you. This simple act can have a profound effect on how you feel about yourself.

When you believe that there are people in your life who love and appreciate you, it can help to increase your own self-worth. In turn, this can lead to feeling more confident and secure in yourself.

Additionally, affirming that you are surrounded by people who love and appreciate you can help to create an atmosphere of support and positivity in your life. This can further contribute to increased feelings of self-love.

Ultimately, by surrounding yourself with people who love and appreciate you, you can create an environment that is conducive to boosting your own self-love.

19. I Take Time Out For Myself Every Day

It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life and forget to take time out for yourself. However, if you want to boost your self-love, it’s important to affirm to yourself that you deserve some quality “me” time each day.

When you make taking care of yourself a priority, it shows that you value and respect yourself. It can be something as simple as taking a few minutes to meditate or taking a leisurely stroll in nature.

Whatever it is, make sure it’s something that makes you feel good mentally, physically, and emotionally.

By making self-care a daily habit, you’ll start to see a gradual increase in your self-love. And over time, you’ll develop into the best version of yourself.

20. I Love Myself Unconditionally

So many people go through life feeling unsure of their own worth, constantly seeking approval from others. This can lead to a cycle of self-doubt and low self-esteem. However, when you start affirming that you love yourself, unconditionally, it can begin to break this cycle.

As you repeat these words to yourself, you will start to believe them. And as you believe them, your view of yourself will start to change.

You will become more confident and positive.

And you will start to see your own worth and appreciate all that you have to offer.

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