45 Ways To Overcome Being Judgemental

Last Updated on July 25, 2022 by Christin

Being judgmental is a huge problem in our society. People are always judging others based on their looks, their weight, their clothes, their job, their beliefs, etc. This needs to stop. We need to start accepting people for who they are and not what they look like on the outside.

When you’re judgmental, you close yourself off from new experiences and new people. You also create negative energy within yourself and around you. This can lead to unhappiness, health problems, and unsuccessful relationships. If you want to be happy, healthy, and successful, you need to overcome your judgmental tendencies.

45 Ways To Overcome Being Judgmental

If you are tired of being judgmental, there’s good news. There are many things you can do to overcome this negative character trait.

Overcome Being Judgmental

1. Be Honest With Yourself About How Judgemental You Are

The first step is to be honest with yourself. Acknowledge that you’re judgmental and that it’s a problem. This is an imperative step in changing any negative behavior, and sometimes being honest with yourself is enough to change the behavior completely.

Sometimes you downright know that you are judgmental, but sometimes other people have to tell you that you are judgmental for you to see the truth.

Think about how you talk to people and how you think about people.

Are you always judging them?

Do you find yourself constantly thinking that someone is not good enough or that they’re not worthy of your time?

If so, then you’re likely quite judgmental.

2. Accept That Everyone Is Different And That’s Okay

One of the main reasons why people are judgmental is because they don’t accept that everyone is different. They think that their way is the only way and that everyone should think, look, and behave like them.

That simply isn’t true.

We’re all different and that’s okay. In fact, it’s great! Imagine how boring the world would be if we were all the same?

3. Don’t Compare Yourself To Others

Another reason why people are judgmental is that they compare themselves to others. They think that they’re better than others or, alternatively, that they’re not as good as others. This comparison leads to judgment.

Stop comparing yourself to others. Everyone is on their own journey and you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be. You’re not better or worse than anyone else, you’re just different.

4. Don’t Assume That You Know Everything

One of the things that makes people judgmental is that they assume that they know everything. They think that they have all the answers and that they’re always right.

This simply isn’t true. You don’t know everything and you’re not always right. In fact, you’re wrong a lot of the time. That’s a part of growing and learning. Accepting this will help you to be less judgmental.

5. Be Willing To Admit When You’re Wrong

Admitting that you’re wrong can be hard, but it’s essential if you want to overcome being judgmental. When you’re judgmental, you’re usually quite attached to being right. This attachment creates a lot of resistance to admitting when you’re wrong.

Practice letting go of your need to be right. It’s okay to be wrong. In fact, it’s essential to growth.

Be willing to let go of your ego and admit when you’re wrong. It will make you a better person.

6. Try To See Things From Other Peoples’ Perspectives

When you’re judgmental, you tend to see things from only your perspective. You don’t try to understand where other people are coming from. This is one of the main reasons why you’re judgmental… because you’re not trying to empathize with others.

Empathy is essential for understanding other people. It allows you to see things from their perspective and to understand their feelings. Without empathy, it’s impossible to have true compassion for others.

7. Be Open-Minded

If you want to stop being judgmental, you have to be open-minded. You have to be willing to hear other peoples’ opinions and to consider new ideas, even if they’re different from your own.

An open mind is essential for growth. It allows you to learn new things and expand your horizons. If you’re not open-minded, you’ll never be able to change and you’ll never grow as a person.

8. Don’t Take Things Personally

One of the main reasons why people are judgmental is because they take things personally. They think that everything is about them, and that other people are always judging them.

This isn’t true. Other people are not thinking about you as much as you think they are.

They’re not judging you.

They are not doing things to spite you.

They’re just living their own lives.

Don’t take things personally and you’ll be less judgmental.

9. Be Mindful Of Your Thoughts

A lot of judgmental behavior comes from negative thinking. If you’re constantly thinking negative thoughts about yourself or others, it’s going to be hard to stop being judgmental.

That’s why it’s so important to be mindful of your thoughts. Pay attention to the things you’re thinking and try to catch yourself when you’re thinking negative thoughts.

Once you’re aware of your negative thinking, you can start to change it.

10. Practice Compassion

Compassion is the opposite of judgment. Instead of judging others, compassion entails trying to understand them and feel empathy for them.

Practicing compassion will help you to be less judgmental. The next time you find yourself being judgmental, try to have compassion for the person you’re judging. Try to understand where they’re coming from and why they’re acting the way they are.

11. Don’t Judge People By Their Appearance

One of the most common ways that people are judged is by their appearance. People are judged for their weight, their clothes, their hair, and so many other things.

It’s important to remember that you can’t judge someone by their appearance. You don’t know what they’re going through or what their story is. Just because someone looks a certain way doesn’t mean you know anything about them.

12. Don’t Make Assumptions

When you make assumptions about someone, you’re usually wrong. (Ass out of u and me?) People are not always what they seem.

Just because someone seems like they have their life together doesn’t mean that they do.

Similarly, just because someone seems like they’re struggling doesn’t mean that they are.

You don’t know what’s going on in someone else’s life, so don’t make assumptions about them.

13. Be Willing To Forgive

One of the main reasons why people are judgmental is because they’re holding onto anger and resentment. If you want to stop being judgmental, you have to be willing to forgive.

Forgiveness doesn’t mean that you forget what happened or that you condone the person’s behavior. It just means that you’re willing to let go of the anger and resentment you’re feeling. Forgiveness is essential for healing.

14. Be Patient

Patience is a virtue. If you want to stop being judgmental, you need to be patient. You need to be willing to listen to others and to give them time to explain themselves.

You also need to be patient with yourself. Change doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time to overcome judgmental behavior. Be patient and don’t give up.

15. Seek Professional Help

If you’re struggling to overcome your judgmental behavior, seek professional help. A therapist can help you to understand the root of your problem and to develop healthy coping mechanisms.

Judgmental behavior is often rooted in deep-seated issues such as low self-esteem, insecurity, and anxiety. A therapist can help you to deal with these issues so that you can stop being judgmental.

16. Join A Support Group

Another option for getting professional help is to join a support group. There are many different types of support groups available, so you’re sure to find one that’s right for you.

Support groups provide a safe and supportive environment where you can share your experiences and learn from others. They can be very helpful in overcoming judgmental behavior.

17. Read Self-Help Books

If you don’t want to seek professional help or join a support group, you can try reading self-help books. There’s pretty much a book on every issue, so pick what is causing you to be judgemental (insecurity, anger, self-loathing) and read up on how to overcome or improve these things.

18. Talk To Someone You Trust In Your Life

If you’re struggling to overcome your judgmental behavior, talk to someone you trust in your life. This could be a friend, family member, or therapist.

Talking to someone about your struggles can help you to feel better and to develop a plan for overcoming your judgmental behavior.

19. Educate Yourself On The Topic Of Judgemental Behavior

If you want to overcome your judgmental behavior, it’s important to educate yourself on the topic. Read books, articles, and blog posts about judgmental behavior and its effects.

The more you know about the topic, the easier it will be to overcome your judgmental tendencies. Knowledge is power.

20. Educate Yourself On Someone Else’s Point Of View

Sometimes if you take some time to educate yourself on the topic you are judging, you find out you were wrong or that there is more than one right way to go about the situation.

For instance, if you’re judging someone for being messy, take some time to research different personality types. You might find out that the person you’re judging is actually a “creative type” who is more likely to be disorganized, and it’s not necessarily a bad thing for them.

21. Let Go Of Grievances

When someone ticks you off or does something that you don’t agree with, let it go! Don’t hold onto anger and resentment.

If you can let it go and move on, you can prevent those negative emotions from clouding your judgment. Letting go of grievances will help you to become less judgmental.

22. Don’t Assume You Know What Someone Is Going Through

When you see someone making a choice that you don’t agree with, don’t assume that you know what they’re going through.

You don’t know what someone else is dealing with in their life. Just because they’re making a choice that you wouldn’t make, doesn’t mean that it’s wrong for them.

23. Travel More And Meet More People

The more people and cultures you meet, the more you realize that there is no one right way to do things. Everyone has their own way of living, and what works for some people might not work for others.

Traveling and meeting new people can help you to become less judgmental. It’s a great way to broaden your horizons and learn about different cultures and lifestyles.

24. Find Other Ways To Feel Better About Yourself

Sometimes we judge people so we can feel better about ourselves. For instance, I have a friend who is very insecure in her body and consistently judges other women for their weight and appearance. She does this because it makes her feel better about her body.

If you find yourself judging people so you can feel better about yourself, try to find other ways to boost your self-esteem.

There are many healthy ways to do this, such as practicing self-love and self-care, surrounding yourself with positive people, and pursuing your hobbies and interests.

25. Challenge Your Beliefs

If you find yourself being judgmental of others, it’s important to challenge your beliefs. Why do you believe what you believe? Is it because it’s what you were taught growing up? Is it because it’s what you’ve always been told?

Just because something is “traditional” or “normal” doesn’t make it right.

Question your beliefs and think for yourself. This will help you to become less judgmental.

26. Acknowledge Your Judgmental Thoughts

When you find yourself thinking judgmental thoughts, acknowledge them. Don’t try to suppress them or ignore them.

Allow yourself to have the thoughts, and then let them go. This will help you to become more aware of your judgmental thoughts and eventually be able to let them go more easily.

27. Practice Mindfulness And Meditation

Mindfulness and meditation can help you to become more aware of your thoughts and feelings. This can be helpful in overcoming judgmental thoughts and behavior.

When you’re more aware of your thoughts, it’s easier to let go of the ones that are judgmental. Meditation can also help to calm and focus your mind, which can make it less likely for judgmental thoughts to pop up in the first place.

28. Live And Let Live

One of the best ways to overcome judgmental thoughts and behavior is to live and let live. This means that you accept people for who they are and don’t try to change them.

You can still have your own opinions and beliefs, but you don’t force them on others. This can be a difficult mindset to adopt, but it’s worth it if you want to become less judgmental.

29. Consider That Everyone Does The Best They Can

Nobody is doing the worst they can. They are doing the best they can with the resources they have available to them.

There’s a good saying that if they knew better, they would do better. Instead of being judgmental, you can try to give them information that can change their ways or perspectives, or you can just let them learn on their own.

When you remember this, it’s easier to be understanding and less judgmental of others. Everyone is doing the best they can, so cut them some slack.

30. Accept That People Make Mistakes

Nobody is perfect. We all make mistakes. It’s part of being human. When you can accept that people make mistakes, it’s easier to be less judgmental of them.

Instead of judging them, you can try to help them learn from their mistakes and become better people as a result. Nobody is perfect, so don’t expect perfection from others.

31. Break The Habit Of Being Judgemental

Sometimes being judgemental becomes an automatic habit. Your first reaction is always judgment because you are so used to doing it.

How can you break the judgmental habit? By becoming more aware of your thoughts and catching yourself when you start to judge. Once you catch yourself, try to let the thought go and focus on something else.

It will take some time and practice to break the habit, but it is possible. The more you catch yourself and let the thoughts go, the easier it will become.

32. Understand The Negative Effects Judging Others Has On You

When you judge others, it has a negative effect on you. It can make you feel superior and smug, or angry and resentful.

None of these are truly pleasant emotions, so try to be aware of them when they arise. If you can catch yourself before you start judging others, you can avoid these negative effects.

33. Put Yourself In Their Shoes

When you find yourself judging someone, try to put yourself in their shoes. Consider their situation and why they might be acting the way they are.

This can help you to have more empathy and understanding for them. It’s not always easy to do, but it can be helpful in overcoming judgmental thoughts.

34. See The Good In Others

Instead of focusing on the bad, try to see the good in others. Everyone has good qualities, even if they’re not always obvious.

When you focus on the good, it’s easier to be less judgmental. This doesn’t mean that you ignore the bad, but try to focus on the good first.

35. Look At How Ugly Being Judgmental Makes Other People

Find someone who is judgmental in your life and pay attention to how they look to you and others. Chances are you and other people will see them as being ugly on the inside because of their judgmental ways.

Nobody wants to be seen that way.

When you catch yourself being judgmental, try to imagine how you must look to others. This can help you to stop and change your behavior.

36. Ask Yourself How You Would Want To Be Treated If The Roles Were Reversed

If you were in the same situation as the person you’re judging, how would you want to be treated? Nobody wants to be judged harshly, so try to treat others the way you would want to be treated.

This can help you to have more empathy and understanding for them. It can also help you to be more mindful of how your words and actions affect others.

37. Don’t Let Your Emotions Cloud Your Judgment

When you’re feeling emotional, it’s easy to let those emotions dictate your judgments. You might say or do something you later regret because you weren’t thinking clearly.

Try to take a step back and calm down before you respond to a situation. This will help you to think more clearly and make better decisions.

38. Become Curious About How Others Think And Live

When you’re curious about how others think and live, it’s easier to be tolerant of their differences. You might not always agree with them, but you can still respect their right to think and believe as they do.

Curiosity can also help you to learn more about others and gain a better understanding of them. This can make it easier to see things from their perspective and be less judgmental.

39. Work On Being Independent In Thought

Sometimes we are judgmental because that’s what we were taught to do.

For instance, our parents may have judged people based on their lifestyle and we do the same because that’s what we were taught.

Pride yourself on thinking independently and not getting caught up in that cultural mentality that gets passed down to us. It’s not the right way of thinking or being, it’s just one way.

40. Try Not Sharing Your Opinion All The Time

When you are judgmental, you love to share your opinion. Try not to do that one out of every two times you want to share your opinion.

Holding your tongue once in a while can actually be a good thing. It’ll allow you to think about what you’re going to say before you blurt something out that you might later regret.

It can also help you break the habit of being judgmental. If you’re not sharing your opinion all the time, you’re not as likely to judge others as harshly.

41. Consider Criticism Directed To You

If you are judgemental, you probably don’t take criticism well. People who take criticism well are less judgmental because they realize that everyone makes mistakes and that we all have room for improvement.

Instead of getting defensive when someone criticizes you, try to listen to what they’re saying and see if there’s any truth to it. You might not agree with everything they’re saying, but there could be some valid points that you can learn from.

42. Tamper Down Your Expectations Of Others

If you have high expectations of others, you’re more likely to be disappointed and judge them harshly when they don’t meet your standards.

Try to tamper down your expectations a bit and give people some slack. They’re not perfect and neither are you. We all make mistakes and that’s okay.

43. Let Go Of The Need To Control Everything

When you’re a control freak, it’s easy to be judgmental. You want things to be done your way and you get upset when they’re not.

Try to let go of the need to control everything and allow others to do things their own way. This can be a difficult thing to do, but it’s important to remember that not everyone is going to do things the way you would.

44. Remember That You Will Never See The Whole Of Someone Else

Your judgments are based on what you see and hear personally, which is just a tiny fraction of what’s going on.

Even if you know someone really well, you will never see the whole of them. There’s always going to be something that you don’t know about them.

This is why it’s so important to be tolerant and understanding of others. We all have our own stories, experiences, and baggage that we carry with us that others don’t see.

45. Work On Being Optimistic

Pessimism and negativity breed a judgemental attitude.

When you’re optimistic, you see the good in people and you’re more likely to be understanding and tolerant of their flaws.

Try to focus on the positive aspects of people and see the best in them. This will help you to be less judgmental overall.

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