11 Affirmations To Help You Deal With A Mentally Unstable Person

Last Updated on February 14, 2023 by Christin

It can be difficult to deal with a mentally unstable person for a variety of reasons. For one thing, it can be hard to know how to help them. It can also be emotionally draining to be constantly on edge, worrying about what might happen next. In addition, it can be difficult to let go of the anger and resentment that you may feel towards the person.

However, it is important to remember that they are not doing this on purpose. They are behaving this way because their mental state is not stable, and they cannot help it. By remaining calm and understanding, you can help to diffuse the situation and bring some peace into an otherwise chaotic situation.

11 Affirmations To Use When You Have To Deal With A Mentally Unstable Person

Mentally Unstable Person

1. I Am Mentally Stable

First, affirm to yourself that you are mentally stable. This can help you keep check of your thoughts and emotions and not get dragged down to their way of thinking and behaving.

It is important to remember that you are not responsible for their mental state, but you ARE responsible for yours, and you can be compassionate and understanding if you choose to be, no matter what is going on.

2. I Am In Control Of Myself

It’s important to be in control of yourself when dealing with a mentally unstable person for a few reasons.

First, if you’re not in control of yourself, it’s more likely that the situation will spiral out of control.

Secondly, being in control of yourself shows the other person that you’re not afraid of them, which can help diffuse the situation.

Finally, it’s simply more peaceful to be in control of yourself. When you’re not in control of yourself, you’re more likely to be reactive and emotional, which can make the situation worse.

So how do you stay in control when dealing with a mentally unstable person? It starts with learning how to let go. Instead of holding onto your anger or fear, let it go. Breathe deeply and try to relax. Focus on the present moment and on staying calm. This takes practice, but it’s worth it because it will help you maintain peace in the midst of chaos.

3. I Am Mentally Strong

Affirm that you are mentally song. This will help you to stand up for yourself, keep your thoughts in check, and not allow the mentally unstable person to take advantage of you.

It is important to remember that you are not powerless and you have the ability to deal with and walk away from the situation if needed.

4. I Am Capable Of Handling This Situation

You will also want to remind yourself that you are capable of handling the situation – because if you don’t, there will be times when you start to wonder if you can handle it.

This affirmation can help you to feel confident and not be overwhelmed by the mentally unstable personโ€™s behavior.

5. I Am Worthy Of Respect

Affirm that you are worthy of respect. This can help you to not allow the mentally unstable person to treat you poorly.

It is important to be clear with them that they should not be mean, cruel, or rude to someone who doesn’t deserve it.

And, if they are unwilling to do that, you need to remember that you are worthy of respect and do not need to put up with abuse from anyone, including someone who is not mentally stable.

6. I’m Focused On Diffusing The Situation

Instead of approaching the issue as trying to get your point across or changing the way someone is acting, tell yourself that you are focused on diffusing the situation. This can help you to remain calm and not get drawn into a fight with a mentally unstable person.

It is necessary to remember that you likely won’t be able to change their behavior unless you are focused on diffusing the tension or anger or other heightened emotions.

7. I Speak Calmy To Keep Things From Getting Worse

Affirm that you will speak calmly to keep things from getting worse. This can help you to avoid escalating the situation.

It is important to remember that you should not yell, scream, or curse at a mentally unstable person because this will just make things worse. A calm demeanor can help to stop things from getting worse and even diffuse the situation.

8. I Listen Without Getting Defensive To Try And Understand

When you’re dealing with a mentally unstable person, it’s important to be able to listen without getting defensive. This can be difficult, especially if you yourself are feeling on edge.

However, it’s essential in order to defuse the situation and bring about a sense of peace. The best way to do this is to focus on your breath and let go of any attachment to the outcome. Try to simply be present in the moment and LISTEN.

This doesn’t mean you have to agree with everything the person is saying, but it does mean giving them the space to express themselves without judgment. By doing so, you can make them feel heard and help to create a calm environment and hopefully reach a resolution.

9. I Respond With Compassion Even Though I May Not Agree

It’s easy to get wrapped up in our own thoughts and feelings and overlook the fact that everyone is fighting their own battle.

When we encounter someone who is behaving in a way that is inexplicable to us, it can be helpful to remember that they may be dealing with something we know nothing about.

Instead of getting angry or defensive, responding with compassion can help to diffuse the situation and create a sense of understanding.

It can also provide an opportunity for the other person to feel seen and heard.

In some cases, simply acknowledging the other person’s pain can be enough to help them let go of their anger and find peace.

10. I Take Time Out If Needed To Collect My Thoughts

Mentally unstable people can be some of the most difficult people to deal with. They may be prone to outbursts, become easily agitated, or say things that are hurtful. It’s important to remember that these behaviors are a result of their illness and not personal attacks.

Despite how challenging they can be, it’s important to take the time to listen to what they have to say. Oftentimes, they just need someone to talk to.

By taking the time to listen, you can help them start to feel better.

You may also need to take some time for yourself during or after the conversation. This can give you a break and help you gain perspective when you start to get caught up in their energy.

11. I Look For Common Ground To Connect With The Other Person

It’s important to look for common ground when dealing with a mentally unstable person because it can help to diffuse the situation and promote peace.

When you find common ground, it’s like finding a middle ground that you can both agree on and that can act as a starting point for further conversation.

It also shows that you’re willing to let go of your own preconceptions and biases in order to try and see things from the other person’s perspective.

Ultimately, looking for common ground is a sign of respect and an acknowledgment that we’re all human beings just trying to get by in life. When we can remember that it becomes easier to let go of our anger and frustration and instead focus on finding calm and understanding.

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