42 Ways To Feel Better After A Bad Day

Last Updated on February 14, 2023 by Christin

Bad days are an inevitable part of life. No matter how happy or successful we are, there will always be times when things donโ€™t go our way. And when that happens, it can feel like the whole world is against us.

But the fact is, bad days are bound to happen. The key is to not let them get the best of us. There are so many ways to feel better after a bad day. Pick one from the following list or let the ideas inspire you to pick your own unique way to feel better.

42 Ways To Feel Better After A Bad Day

1. Take A Hot Bath With Aromatherapy

A hot bath is a great way to relax and de-stress after a bad day. The heat and bubbles will help soothe your muscles and mind, and aromatherapy can also help to calm and relax you.

2. Exercise

Exercise is a great way to release endorphins and feel better after a bad day. It can help to clear your head and get your energy flowing again.

3. Talk To Someone You Like

Talking to someone who understands what youโ€™re going through can be really helpful on bad days. Venting to a friend can help you feel better and more positive.

4. Journal Your Feelings

Writing down your thoughts and feelings can help you feel better after a bad day. It can help you process what happened and work through your emotions, so you can move on to bigger and better thoughts and emotions.

5. Watch Something Funny

There’s nothing wrong with lying down on the couch and putting a good show on. Watching a funny movie or show can help lighten your mood and make you feel better after a bad day. Laughter really is one of the best medicines!

6. Take A Nap

A short nap can help refresh you after a bad day and make you feel more alert and positive.

7. Listen To Music

Music has a powerful effect on our emotions and can help us feel better after a bad day. Listening to calming or uplifting music can help to change your mood for the better.

8. Eat Something Healthy

Eating healthy foods can help boost your mood and make you feel better after a bad day. Foods that are high in antioxidants, such as fruits and vegetables, are especially beneficial.

9. Drink Water

Dehydration can often make us feel tired and lethargic, which isnโ€™t helpful when weโ€™re already feeling down. Make sure to drink plenty of water on bad days to keep yourself hydrated and energized.

10. Get Some Fresh Air

Getting some fresh air can help clear your head and reset your mood after a bad day. Taking a walk outside can be really refreshing and calming.

11. Avoid Caffeine

Caffeine can sometimes make us feel more anxious and stressed, which is the last thing we need on a bad day. Stick to decaf coffee or tea… or try herbal teas instead.

12. Do Something Good For Someone Else

Doing something good for someone else can help you feel better after a bad day. It can make you feel good to know that youโ€™ve made someone elseโ€™s day a little brighter.

13. Read A Good Book

Getting lost in a good book can be a great way to forget about your troubles and feel better after a bad day. Reading can also be a form of escapism and can help you feel more positive.

14. Spend Time With A Pet

Spending time with a pet can be really calming and soothing and can help you feel better after a bad day. Pets provide us with unconditional love and can be great listeners (even if they donโ€™t always understand what weโ€™re saying!).

If you don’t have a pet, see if your friends or family will let you spend time with their pet.

15. Take A Break From Technology

Constantly being connected to our devices can sometimes make us feel more stressed, so it can be helpful to take a break from technology on bad days. Disconnect from the online world for a while and relax in the real world instead.

16. Connect With Nature

Connecting with nature can help ground us and make us feel better after a bad day. Spend time outside in the sunshine, go for a hike in the woods, or just sit in the park and people watch.

17. Volunteer

Volunteering can help you feel better after a bad day by making you feel more connected to your community and appreciated. It can also help put your problems in perspective. Itโ€™s also a great way to help out those less fortunate than yourself.

18. Play A Game

Playing a game can be a fun way to take your mind off of your troubles and feel better after a bad day. Games can also be a great form of distraction and can help you feel more positive.

19. Give Yourself A Makeover

Sometimes all we need is a little pick-me-up to feel better after a bad day. Give yourself a makeover by doing your hair and makeup or try out a new outfit. Or go to a salon and get a pedicure and makeover your feet! Sometimes just changing up your appearance can help you feel more positive.

20. Spend Time With Friends Or Family

Spending time with loved ones can help take your mind off of your troubles and make you feel better after a bad day. Sometimes all we need is some quality time with those closest to us.

21. Limit Your Time On Social Media

Social media can sometimes make us feel worse about ourselves after a bad day. If youโ€™re feeling down, limit your time on social media, or take a break from it altogether.

22. Do Something Creative

Doing something creative can help you feel better after a bad day by giving you a sense of accomplishment. It can also be a fun form of distraction and can help boost your mood.

Focus on your favorite hobby or on creating a new hobby.

23. Spend Time In The Sunlight

Sunlight exposure can help improve our mood and make us feel better after a bad day. Vitamin D is also essential for our health, so spending time in the sun can be beneficial in more ways than one.

24. Make A List Of Things Youโ€™re Grateful For

Making a list of things youโ€™re grateful for can help you feel more positive after a bad day. Itโ€™s important to remember all the good things in your life, even when things are tough.

25. Sleep

Getting enough sleep is essential for our health and can also help improve our mood. If youโ€™re feeling down, make sure to get plenty of rest to help you feel better the next day.

26. Watch An Inspirational Video

Sometimes all we need is a little inspiration to feel better after a bad day. Watching an inspirational video can help boost your mood and give you a new perspective.

27. Meditate

Meditation can help improve our mood and make us feel more positive. If youโ€™re feeling down, take some time to meditate and focus on your breath.

28. Watch That Cat Video… Or Two

Thereโ€™s nothing like a good cat video to make you feel better after a bad day. If youโ€™re feeling down, take a break and watch some of your favorite feline friends.

29. Take A Class

Whether you get on something like Skillshare or take an in-person class, learning something new can help you feel better after a bad day. It can also help give you a sense of purpose and direction.

30. Break Out Those Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations are a great way to remind yourself of your worth and what you want to believe, even on bad days. Find affirmations you need to believe to feel better and then read them aloud to yourself.

31. Make A Vision Board

Creating a vision board can help you focus on your goals and make you feel better after a bad day. Itโ€™s a great way to remind yourself of what youโ€™re working towards, and it can also be a fun creative project.

32. Get Outside And Move Your Body

Sometimes all we need is some fresh air to feel better after a bad day. Getting outside and moving your body can help improve your mood and give you some much-needed energy.

33. Buy Yourself Something You Want

Treating yourself can help you feel better after a bad day. Whether itโ€™s a new outfit, your favorite dessert, or a massage, do something to make yourself feel good.

34. Dance Like No One Is Watching

Dancing is a great way to let loose and have some fun. If youโ€™re feeling down, put on your favorite tunes and dance like no one is watching.

35. Make A Funny Face In The Mirror

Sometimes all we need is a good laugh to feel better after a bad day. Making funny faces in the mirror can help boost your mood and make you feel more positive. This seems stupid but try it. You might be surprised at how seeing yourself having fun in a mirror can boost your thoughts and emotions.

36. Have A Picnic In Your Living Room

If you canโ€™t get outside, bring the outdoors inside with a picnic in your living room. It can be a fun thing to do that boosts your mood.

37. Go For A Drive With The Windows Down

Sometimes all we need is a change of scenery to feel better after a bad day. Going for a drive with the windows down can help clear your mind and give you some time to think.

38. Do A Mind Flush

A mind flush is a great way to let go of all the negative thoughts and emotions that are weighing you down. Write them down on a piece of paper and then release them by tearing up the paper or burning it.

39. Do Something New

Trying something new can help take your mind off of your bad day and make you feel better. Itโ€™s important to step out of our comfort zones and experience new things, especially when weโ€™re feeling down.

40. Do Something Productive That You Can Accomplish Within A Few Hours

Sometimes the best way to feel better after a bad day is to accomplish something. Doing something productive that you can finish within a few hours can help you feel more positive and motivated.

41. Breathe

This one might seem obvious, but itโ€™s important to remember to breathe when youโ€™re feeling down. Taking a few deep breaths can help calm your mind and make you feel more centered.

42. Drink Some Decaffeinated Tea

Tea is a great way to relax and unwind after a bad day. There are many different types of tea that can help boost your mood and make you feel better.

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