10 Affirmations To Forget Someone And Move On With Your Life

Last Updated on February 14, 2023 by Christin

Sometimes relationships don’t work out and we need to move on from the person if we want to find any sort of happiness and fulfillment. And sometimes we have a brief encounter with someone that doesn’t work out and we have a hard time letting go of what might have been. No matter why you want to forget someone and move on with your life, the following affirmations can help you do just that.

Forget Someone And Move On With Your Life

1. I Can Move On From This Person And Be Happy Without Them

It can be difficult to forget someone who has played an important role in your life. Whether it’s a romantic partner, a close friend, or a family member, it’s natural to feel attached to someone who has been such a big part of your life. However, it’s also important to remember that you can be happy without this person in your life.

Just because you’re not with them anymore doesn’t mean that you can’t find happiness elsewhere.

In fact, moving on from this person may be the best thing for you in the long run. It may be painful at first, but ultimately, you’ll be happier and stronger for it.

So don’t be afraid to affirm that you can move on from this person and be happy without them in your life. It’s the first step to moving on and rebuilding your life without them.

2. I Release Myself From Any Attachment Or Obsession With This Person

If we want to forget someone and move on to find someone who will appreciate us for who we are, we need to let go of our obsession with the person who didn’t want us back or wasn’t a healthy fit for us.

One way to do this is to affirm: “I release myself from any attachment or obsession with this person.” This reminder can help us to step back and remember that we deserve better than someone who doesn’t want to be with us or isn’t healthy for us.

It can help us to focus on finding someone who will appreciate and love us, instead of wasting our time on someone who isn’t right for us.

So, if you’re struggling to forget someone who has hurt you, try affirming this statement and see how it helps you to move on.

3. I Am No Longer Focusing On This Person And Allow Myself To Focus On More Important Things

When you’re trying to forget someone and move on with your life, it can be helpful to affirm that you are no longer focusing on them. This helps to shift your focus away from the person you want to forget and onto more important things.

It can be difficult to break old patterns of thinking and behaving, but by affirmations like this, you can remind yourself that you are in control of your thoughts and emotions, as well as where you put your focus.

When you focus on more positive things, you will start to feel better and be more productive.

Therefore, if you want to forget someone and move on with your life, make sure to affirm that you are no longer focusing on them.

4. I Let Go Of Any Resentment Or Anger I Have Towards This Person

It can be difficult to let go of resentment and anger towards someone, especially if you feel like they’ve wronged you in some way. However, holding onto these negative emotions can prevent you from moving on with your life.

Instead of dwelling on the past, it’s important to focus on the present and the future. Forgiveness is a powerful tool that can help you to forget about someone and move on with your life.

When you affirm that you’re letting go of any resentment or anger, you’re choosing to forgive the person and release yourself from the negative emotions. This doesn’t mean that you have to be friends with the person or even talk to them again; it just means that you’re willing to let go of the anger and move on.

In doing so, you’ll be able to focus on more positive things in your life and create a brighter future for yourself.

5. I Forgive This Person For Any Hurt They May Have Caused Me

There’s an old saying that when you hold onto anger, it’s the same as drinking poison while expecting the other person to die. Forgiveness isn’t about absolving the other person of responsibility for their actions; it’s about releasing yourself from the negative emotions that can cause you harm.

When you say, “I forgive this person for any hurt they may have caused me,” you are acknowledging the pain that they inflicted but choosing not to allow it to control your life. You are taking back your power and declaring that you will no longer be a victim.

It’s a decision that allows you to move on with your life and focus on the positive. And, as they say, life is too short to hold onto grudges.

In short, forgive, forget, and move on. You’ll be better for it in the long run.

6. I Forgive Myself For Any Part I Played In The Demise Of The Relationship

When a relationship ends, it can be hard to let go. You may find yourself dwelling on what went wrong and feeling guilty for any part you may have played in the demise of the relationship. However, it is important to forgive yourself in order to move on with your life.

Holding onto feelings of guilt will only prevent you from moving forward.

By forgiving yourself, you can release these negative emotions and begin to heal. Only then will you be able to forget the past and focus on the future.

7. I Am No Longer Attached To The Idea Of What Could Have Been With This Person

It’s easy to get caught up in the idea of what could have been and to dwell on what might have been. But doing so prevents us from moving on and finding happiness elsewhere.

It’s important to affirm that you are no longer attached to the idea of what could have been with this person in order to forget them and move on with your life.

This doesn’t mean that you need to erase them from your memory completely or that you will never think of them again. Rather, it means that you are no longer allowing yourself to be defined by what might have happened and that you are ready to create new memories with new people.

Therefore, if you’re looking to forget someone and move on with your life, affirm that you are no longer attached to the idea of what could have been.

8. I Allow Myself To See The Good In Myself, Even Without This Person In My Life

It’s easy to forget the good in ourselves when we’re feeling down, especially if we’re dwelling on someone who’s no longer in our lives.

It can be helpful in these moments to affirm that we allow ourselves to see the good in ourselves, even without this person in our life.

This reminder can help us to focus on the positive aspects of our lives and ourselves, rather than dwelling on the negative.

Additionally, it can help us to see that we are capable of being happy and fulfilled even without this other person.

Ultimately, affirming this will help us to move on from the past and focus on the present.

9. I Know There Are Other People Out There Who Will Make Me Happier

In order to truly forget someone and move on with our lives, itโ€™s important to affirm that there are other people out there who will make us happier. By accepting that fact, we open ourselves up to new relationships and new possibilities for happiness.

So, if youโ€™re struggling to forget someone and move on, try affirming that there are other people out there who will make you happier. It just might help you take the first step towards moving on.

10. I Am Open To Meeting New People And Starting New Relationships

It can be difficult to let go of someone who you have invested time and emotion into. However, holding onto the past will only prevent you from moving on and finding happiness in the present.

One way to begin the process of letting go is to affirm that you are open to meeting new people and starting new relationships.

This affirmation helps to reframe your view of relationships and encourages you to see the potential for new connections in your life.

It can also be helpful to remind yourself that everyone has different baggage and that not every relationship needs to be as intense as the one that you are trying to forget.

By affirming that you are open to meeting new people, you are taking a big step towards forgetting the past and embracing a new future.

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