Use These 11 Affirmations To Stop Picking Fights With Others

Last Updated on February 14, 2023 by Christin

If you find yourself picking fights with other people in person or online quite often, you may want to work on getting rid of this bad habit. Whether it’s a disagreement with a friend, a family member, or a complete stranger, picking fights with other people is rarely productive. Not only does it damage relationships, but it can also lead to poor mental health and physical violence. Of course, there are times when confronting someone is necessary. However, it’s important to do so in a calm and constructive manner, otherwise, the situation is likely to get out of control quickly.

11 Affirmations To Help You Be Someone Who Doesn’t Pick Fights

1. I Am In Control Of My Emotions

It’s important to remember that you are in control of your own emotions and nobody else’s. You can’t make somebody else feel something they don’t want to feel, just like you can’t make them do what you want them to do, so stop trying.

If you find yourself getting angry or upset with someone, take a step back and focus on your own emotions. Breathe deeply and try to relax. This will help you to stop taking things so personally and stop picking fights with others.

2. I Am Responsible For My Own Happiness

There is a simple truth that will change your life. You are responsible for your own happiness, so stop looking to others to make you happy.

If you’re constantly fighting with someone, it’s likely because you’re expecting them to make you happy or feel good in some way, and they’re not.

Instead, focus on finding happiness within yourself. Do things that make you happy and stop relying on others to make you happy. This will help you to stop picking fights and start enjoying your life more.

3. I Will Not Allow Someone Else’s Bad Day To Ruin My Day

We all have bad days, but that doesn’t mean we should take them out on others. If someone is having a bad day, that’s their problem, not yours.

Don’t let someone else’s bad day ruin your day. This is a choice you have to make. It’s important to remember that you always have the power to choose how you react to someone else’s bad day.

4. I Am Not Responsible For Anyone Else’s Actions

You are not responsible for what other people do, so stop taking responsibility for their actions. If someone does something that you don’t like or that bothers you, that’s their problem, not yours. You can’t control what other people do, so stop trying. This will help you to stop picking fights with others and start living your life more peacefully.

5. I Am Not Responsible For Anyone Else’s Emotions

See a theme here?

Just like you’re not responsible for their actions, you’re also not responsible for how they feel.

If someone is feeling upset or angry, that’s their problem, not yours. You can’t control how someone else feels, so stop trying. Admitting this will help you stop taking things so personally and stop picking fights with others.

6. I Am Allowed To Have Boundaries

It’s important to remember that you are allowed to have boundaries. Just because someone is your friend or family member doesn’t mean you have to do everything they want or put up with their bad behavior. If someone is crossing your boundaries, it’s important to speak up and let them know before you find yourself picking a fight with them.

7. I Don’t Have To Agree With Everyone

You don’t have to agree with everyone, and you don’t have to like everyone.

Affirming this to yourself often will help you realize that you don’t have to pick a fight with someone to try to force them to agree with you or understand you because they don’t have to agree with you either.

8.ย  I Can’t Change Anyone But Myself

You can’t change anyone but yourself, so stop trying. If someone is doing something that you don’t like, picking a fight with them is not going to help. In fact, they might dig their heels in even more to defend themselves and their behavior.

9. I Don’t Need Anyone’s Approval

You don’t need anyone’s approval to be happy or to live your life. You are the only one who gets to decide how you live your life, so stop seeking approval from others. This will help you stop picking fights when trying to get other people to approve of your life.

10. I Am Allowed To Make Mistakes (And So Are Other People)

When someone makes a mistake that affects you, it can be easy to pick a fight. But by affirming to yourself that you are allowed to make mistakes (and so are other people) you can avoid the fight and just get on with life.

11. Everyone Is Worthy Of Love And Respect

Everyone is worthy of love and respect, no matter what. Remember that you deserve to be treated with love and respect, even if others don’t always treat you that way. And other people deserve to be treated with love and respect too. This will help you stop picking fights and handle situations better.

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