Stop Littering: 10 Things To Remember Before You Litter

Last Updated on September 15, 2022 by Christin

Do you think throwing some garbage out the window is no big deal? Think again. It’s time to stop littering. If you litter, you are contributing to a problem much bigger than just making someone else pick up after you. Consider the following 10 things before you litter.

1. Littering Is Costly

Littering can actually be quite costly, both for the individual and for society as a whole. In the United States, for example, it is estimated that litter cleanup costs taxpayers around $11 billion annually. And in the UK, the government spends around ยฃ800 million each year on litter control. This money could be better spent on other things, such as education or healthcare.

2. Littering Is Dangerous

Litter can be dangerous, both to people and to animals, which is an important reason to stop littering.

Sharp objects like glass or metal cans can cause injuries to adults, kids, and animals, and small pieces of litter can be ingested by animals (and some kids), leading to health problems or even death.

Litter can also attract vermin, which can pose a health risk to humans.

3. Littering Is Harmful to the Environment.

Littering is harmful to the environment in many ways. It can contaminate soil and water, damage plants and wildlife, and contribute to climate change.

4. Littering Is a Form of Pollution

Litter is a form of pollution, and like all forms of pollution, it has negative effects on human health. Breathing in the litter being burned can cause respiratory problems, and touching or ingesting it can cause skin irritation or gastrointestinal problems.

5. Littering Can Spread Diseases

Litter can spread diseases, both to humans and to animals. If litter contains food waste, it can attract rodents or other animals, which can then spread diseases to humans. And if litter contains human waste, it can spread diseases like cholera or typhoid.

6. Littering Is Unsanitary

Litter is unsanitary and can therefore lead to health problems. Litter can attract vermin, which can spread diseases. It can also provide a breeding ground for bacteria and other microorganisms.

7. Littering Is Aesthetically Unpleasing

Litter is aesthetically unpleasing, and can make an area look dirty or neglected. This can have a negative impact on peopleโ€™s mental health and can make an area less appealing to tourists.

8. Littering Can Impact Local Businesses

Litter can impact local businesses negatively. Nobody wants to shop at a place surrounded by litter. It makes the store look bad and filthy, even if it’s not. So if you want your neighborhood businesses to thrive, stop littering.

9. Littering Is A Crime

Littering is a crime in many jurisdictions. Check your local area to see what could happen to you if you are caught littering. In my area, it’s a $5000 fine. That’s enough to make anyone stop littering. It’s not worth throwing a piece of garbage on the road instead of in a garbage can.

10. Littering Is A Waste of Resources

Littering is a waste of resources, both natural and man-made. It takes resources to produce the litter, and it takes resources to clean it up. These resources could be better spent on other things.

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