20 Affirmations To Help You Manifest Money (Or Whatever You Want)

Last Updated on February 14, 2023 by Christin

Imagine being able to manifest the things you want into your life with the power of your thoughts. It would be amazing, right? Well, you can do just that with affirmations. Affirmations are positive declarations that you say to yourself on a regular basis in order to program your mind for success. When you make them a part of your daily routine, they can help to increase your overall happiness and well-being. They also influence your behaviors and choices, which influence your ability to manifest what you want in your life.

20 Affirmations to Help You Manifest The Life You Want

manifest money

1. I Have The Power To Manifest What I Want

When you want to manifest the life you want, it’s important to affirm that you have the power to do so. This affirmation helps to open your mind to the possibility of manifesting your desires. It also helps to increase your belief in yourself and your ability to create the life you want.

Also, by affirming that you have the power to manifest what you want, you are setting the intention to do so. This intention is a powerful force that can help to manifest your desires into reality.

2. Something Wonderful Is Going To Happen To Me

If you’ve ever tried manifesting the life you want using the law of attraction, you know that it’s not always easy. The key to success is to stay focused on your goal and maintain a positive outlook, even when things are tough. One way to do this is to affirm that something wonderful is going to happen to you.

This simple act of faith can help you stay rooted in your intention and keep manifesting your dream life.

The universe always has your back, so trust that everything is happening for a reason. Keep affirming that something wonderful is going to happen to you, and it will!

3. I Am Worthy Of All The Good Things In Life

When manifesting the life you want through the law of attraction, it is important to focus on affirming that you are worthy of all the good things in life. This is because your level of self-worth will determine what you are able to attract into your life.

If you believe that you are worthy of only a limited amount of good things, then that is what you will manifest.

However, if you believe that you are worthy of an abundance of good things, then that is what you will manifest.

Therefore, by specifically affirming that ‘I am worthy of all the good things in life’, you can open yourself up to attracting an abundance of good into your life. By doing this, you can begin to create the life of your dreams.

4. I Deserve To Be Happy And Healthy

This affirmation helps to open up your subconscious mind to the possibility of achieving your desired outcome. The law of attraction states that we attract what we think about, so by regularly affirming that you deserve happiness and health, you’re more likely to manifest these things in your life.

5. I Am Open To Receiving All That Is Good

This affirmation ensures that you’re not only manifesting your desires but also that you’re manifesting what is in alignment with your highest good.

By affirming that you are open to receiving all that is good, you are opening yourself up to limitless possibilities and aligning yourself with the flow of abundance. When you do this, you’ll find that the Universe will start bringing more and more good into your life, until your manifesting power becomes unstoppable!

6. I Trust The Universe To Guide Me Towards My Goals

When you want to manifest the life you want, it’s important to specifically affirm that you trust the universe to guide you towards your goals. This affirmation helps to open up your subconscious mind to the possibility of achieving your goals, and plants the seeds of manifestation in your mind.

By affirming that you trust the universe to guide you, you are setting your intention to receive guidance from a higher power. This can help you to let go of any doubts or fears that may be holding you back from manifesting your dreams. When you release your doubts and trust that the universe will guide you, miracles can happen.

7. I Vibrate At A High Frequency And Attract High-Frequency Things Into My Life

When you affirm that you vibrate at a high frequency, you are essentially affirming that you want to attract high-frequency things into your life. And what are high-frequency things? They are things like happiness, abundance, love, and joy. So when you affirm that you vibrate at a high frequency, you are opening yourself up to manifesting all of those wonderful things into your life.

8. I Am A Magnet For Positive Experiences And People

When you want to manifest the life you want, it’s important to affirm that you are a magnet for positive experiences and people. By doing this, you are sending a clear message to the Universe that you are open and receptive to all the good that life has to offer.

The law of attraction is all about energy, and what you focus on is what you will attract into your life. So if you want to manifest more positivity, focusing on affirming that you are a magnet for it is a powerful way to do so.

9. I Only Allow Good Things Into My Life

One of the best ways to manifest the life you want is to affirm that you only allow good things into your life. This simple statement of intent helps to focus your attention on the positive aspects of your life and sets the tone for everything else that you manifest.

By affirming that you only allow good things into your life, you are opening yourself up to abundance and limitless possibilities.

In addition, this affirmation helps to block out any negative thoughts or energy that might be holding you back from manifesting your desires. By repeating this affirmation regularly, you can open yourself up to a whole new world of possibility.

10. I Surround Myself With Love, Light, And Positivity

When you want to manifest the life you want, it’s important to affirm “I surround myself with love, light, and positivity.” This affirmation helps you to focus on the positive aspects of your life and to surround yourself with love and light to stay in a higher vibration.

11. All Of My Dreams And Desires Are Coming True

This affirmation helps to create a powerful vibration within you that attracts your desires to you. The law of attraction is all about setting your intention and then attracting what you desire into your life.

By affirming that your dreams and desires are coming true, you’re sending a very clear message to the universe about what you want. And the universe will respond by helping you to manifest your desires. So if you want to manifest a life that you love, make sure to include this affirmation in your manifesting practice!

12. I Pay Attention To The Messages From The Universe

Whenever you want to manifest something in your life, it’s important to pay attention to the messages from the universe. This can be in the form of affirmations, intuitions, synchronicities, and so on.

The universe is always trying to guide you towards your highest good, and if you’re attuned to the signs, it’ll be easier for you to manifest your desires.

However, if you ignore the messages, it’ll be much harder to manifest what you want.

So, next time you’re trying to manifest something in your life, pay attention to the signs and act on them accordingly. Trust that the Universe has your back and knows what’s best for you. You’ll be amazed at what you can manifest when you work with the universe instead of against it.

13. I Take Inspired Action Towards My Goals

One of the most important things to remember when manifesting the life you want is to take inspired action towards your goals.

The law of attraction is all about aligning your ideas, behaviors, and choices with your desired outcome. When you take steps toward your goals, you are sending a strong message to the universe that you are serious about manifesting your desires. This, in turn, will help to bring your desires to fruition.

Additionally, taking action helps to keep you motivated and focused on your goals. It can be easy to get discouraged when manifesting, but taking even small steps towards your goals will help to keep you moving in the right direction.

14. I Believe In My Ability To Manifest My Desires

When you believe in your ability to manifest your desires, you are sending a message to the universe that you are ready and willing to receive what you desire.

This type of positive affirmation helps to increase your vibration and opens up the door for opportunities to come your way.

Additionally, by affirming your ability to manifest what you want, you are also putting out positive energy that will help to attract those things into your life.

15. The Universe Is Working For Me, Not Against Me

When you believe that the universe is working for you, or even with you, you open yourself up to receive all the good things that life has to offer. You are more likely to take action and go after what you want when you believe that the universe is on your side.

16. Everything Happens For A Reason And I’m Learning From Every Experience

There is something incredibly empowering about believing that everything happens for a reason. When you truly embrace this mindset, you come to see that every experience, both good and bad, is teaching you something valuable.

By accepting this fact, you open yourself up to learning and growing from every situation. This can help you to manifest the things you want into your life with greater ease.

When you believe that everything happens for a reason, you become more patient and accepting of what life throws your way. You learn to let go of things that are beyond your control and focus on what you can change. This positive attitude will attract more positive experiences and situations into your life.

In time, you will see that the things you once thought were unlucky or unlucky turns out to be some of the best things that have ever happened to you.

17. I Am Aligned With My Highest Good

When you believe that you are aligned with your highest good, it can help to increase your positive energy and vibration. This, in turn, can make it easier for you to manifest the things you want into your life. By affirming this belief regularly, you can help to reprogram your mind for success and abundance.

18. I Am Willing To Receive All The Good Things Life Has To Offer

When you believe that you are open and ready to receive all the good things life has to offer, you are programming your mind for success.

By being willing to accept all the good things that life has to offer, you are creating a positive attitude and mindset that will help you to achieve your goals.

19. I Am Thankful For All The Blessings In My Life

When you start to believe that you are blessed and grateful for all the good in your life, you open yourself up to more good coming your way.

Affirmations such as ‘I am thankful for all the blessings in my life’ help to put your mind in a positive state, which can then lead to you attracting more positive things into your life. By focusing on the good that you already have, you are putting yourself in a better position to receive even more good.

20. I Release All Limiting Beliefs Around Manifesting My Desires Into My Reality

The reason it’s so important to believe “I release all limiting beliefs around manifesting my desires into my reality” is because limiting beliefs are limiting and keep you from manifesting your life, and if you don’t release them, then your life will always reflect those beliefs.

For instance, if you have a limiting belief that you can only manifest so much money into your life, you won’t be able to move past that threshold. You will sabotage yourself either by missing signs, passing up opportunities, or lacking the direction needed to bring more money into your life.

When you affirm this statement, you are telling your subconscious mind that you are ready and willing to manifest what you want in your life and let go of limiting beliefs that tell you can’t, shouldn’t, or won’t.

You are putting yourself in a position of power and opening yourself up to receive all the good that the universe has to offer.

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